Jester Bee Soapery’s Holiday Giving: Launching our Soap for Hope Project
We here at Jester Bee Soapery (JBS) have decided that this holiday season is the perfect time to begin something we’ve been meaning to do for a while… give back to our local and surrounding communities by sharing the love of our natural bath treats with underserved populations. Spreading joy and comfort is central to what we do, so infusing our work with kindness and generosity makes sense and feels good! Yesterday we officially launched the first installment of our Soap for Hope Project in which we donate batches of our soap treats to those who would benefit from them the most. In this initiative we are collaborating with a local nonprofit organization called Change the World of One, which implements humanitarian development projects, cultural exchange programs, and environmental conservation projects locally and globally.

Their goal is to bring people together who want to change the world and focus their combined efforts to carry out individual sustainable projects that help to change the world, one piece at a time. They know that one person is not able to change the whole world, but insist that one person CAN change the whole world of another person or community. They say “the more world changers that come together, the more change we can enact. This way, person by person, project by project, heart by heart, we are changing the world together.”

We at Jester Bee Soapery are excited to start this ongoing collaboration with Change the World of One. The first step in this journey was creating our Christmas Donation Drive, through which we collected boxes of diapers and wipes to be donated to foster children in need. We paired this with donating boxes and boxes of our beautiful JBS soap treats to brighten the lives of the foster children at Nana’s House Home for Children. Nana’s House is another nonprofit organization that carries out meaningful and important work locally.
Nana’s House’s Mission: “Our mission is to provide housing and wrap around support for foster families in Brevard County. These foster families care for the neglected, abused, needy, and abandoned children in our state foster system. Nana’s House helps foster parents provide a safe, loving home for the child. We work to provide housing, utilities, transportation, clothing, school supplies, toys, household items, and anything else the foster families and the children they serve may need. The children live in a home with two foster parents – mother and father – and other children – up to five per home. Opportunities for the child to participate in whatever extracurriculars they may have an interest in, be it dance lessons, team sports, swimming lessons – all of which are above and beyond what the child would have experienced in their former life. We provide all of this and more to the foster families in our program.”
We are grateful that Nana’s House provides such heartfelt and all-around excellent care for the foster children under their care, and we’re elated that now handwashing and bath time can be a blast for these children with our all-natural, sweet-smelling, colorful, glittery soaps in the shapes of cupcakes, pies, bars and fun minis!
Thank you for spending part of your busy holiday season with us and please remember that your sales will help to fund our soap-giving charitable mission from now on through our new Soap for Hope initiative! While the children at Nana’s House enjoy using their fun bath treats throughout the year, we will be making and saving up more to donate to another local group soon who would benefit from them the most. Stay tuned to find out who the next recipients will be, and enjoy this precious time at the end of the year with your loved ones.
Happy holidays from all of us here at Jester Bee Soapery!